Warp Effect
Saturday, February 9, 2019 - 12:38
Art Type:
Just a simple warp effect. Could also be turned into a flame, I guess.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Kelvin Shadewing - http://kelvinshadewing.net

Awesome! Could be a great changeling transformation effect, all it really needs is to be coloured green. I might do that, actually... May I have permission to do so? I'll give credit, and licence it the same as your submission. I understand if you do not wish me to, however.
@Name by another rose: Kelvin Shadewing has already given permission for you to make derivatives of this by licensing it CC-BY. As a matter of fact, everything on this entire site is allowed to be modified and remixed. As long as you're sharing your changes under the same license and giving attribution to the original author (just as you indicated you would), it isn't just "allowed", It's expected.
Special note: if the modification is little more than a hue shift, that's generally considered a trivial change and probably shouldn't be reuploaded as a derivative until the changes are more substantial.