Need Programmer Art/Animation
I'm working on a sidescrolling shooter wtih freelook. You play an overpowered cyborg fighting other overpowered cyborgs in a cyborg/android fighting circuit. He's person-sized, but he's got access to extreme power, almost to the point that he has trouble controlling himself. There's a "sorint" for example which lasts only 2 seconds but basically him into a projectile, or an almost needlessly strong power jump. The movement is a little floaty in exchange for power, so the gameplay can deemphsize precision a little and focus on commitment and followthrough.
Here's the current prototype, so you can see what I'm going for. Controls are WASD, shift, and LMB. If you hold jump down all the way you power jump but it's not a traditional variable jump height, fyi.
I'm in very early stages of development, as a fair warning. That also means I'm in the very early stages of art. I'd some decent animations to see how well he feels when running around and aiming. I'm going for realistic proportions but otherwise anything is fine. The main thing is it needs to work with a rotating gun arm. My expectation is to have all three core weapons fully programmed by the end of next week, and some movement features (wall jumping, that sort of thing). I'll work on somme placeholder sounds and visuals effects the following week. I'll be working on stage design thoughout, and I want to staart putting together a sample fight for the prototype but by that point Ill need something slightly more substantial than a moving, shooting box to effectively see if it feels right.
How about Redshrike's Xeon? you may have to separate his arm from the animation so you can rig it back on for aiming, but he seems like the character you're going for. And he's animated well.
On the other hand, there's MoonStar's Sci-fi characters. They're already separated into body parts, so you'd need to rig them for animation, but that's more in line with how unity works anyway, right?
--Medicine Storm
I tried your demo!
You should probably add a quit button. Other than that it seems competently made, though it is very early like you say.
What sort of art style are you going for?
Thanks, I'll try those. First is definitely a better fit.
I should definitely add a quit button, and a menu, among other things lik actual gameplay instead of just some big 'ol platforms.
I'm not particularly attached to any art style, although vector art would probably be a little better fit. My chief inspirations for this game are actually G-Gundam and Zoids: New Century, so that sort of anime aesthetic would work, as would a more western art style. I really just care about the proportions. something more evenly designed as opposed to, say, megaman's massive feet.
Ah, I don't think I can help you with vectors, I mainly do pixel art but on the other hand I am actually kinda busy right now.
I've never seen any of the animes you mentioned but just by the fact that you mention Zoids, I figure they must be quite old.