I need a redesign for my little game.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018 - 05:43
Hi,I just made my first game and i want to publish it,i would like somone to help me redesign the game.
You can download a .exe version to try it,i also put a text file with asset requirements.
It s not an open source game, and i would like if somone could help me out with a minimalist design.I just feel it dosent look right.It dosent have many elements and i thinks it's not a very consuming job but im very bad at art/design, i need an isometric cube ,2 buttons and a background.Im also open to feedback and i would credit the artist.It's all i can do for now.. (Broke student).If the game does ok i would also like to further collaborate with the artist.Thanks.
Edit: Solved
For me, it crashes on startup.
Try putting the exe on desktop if it dosent do anything then its a bug or something
Its made in godot so maybe you need to install, its ok if i put an apk file and try it on mobile?
Edit: The apk is tested on my phone.
Tried the game on andoid.
It's looks so cute! I don't see what's wrong with the art style at all, it's very appealing in my eyes.
Thanks for feedback, well i would try and publish it like this.It just feel like something its missing so i tought i should try and change the design.Well thanks for feedback again im very glad you like it.
Edit: Do you think it s ok to publish it? Or i should improve UX ,Gameplay etc.?
No problem!
I think you should try and identify what you feel is "missing". Maybe make a sketch or a description even about how you would ideally want this game to look. What feel you're going for, what styles you're inspired by, and so on.
And, while I don't know if it's necessarily relevant for a game like this, I always like music in my games, even for cell phones uwu
And I think you should maybe add a little instruction on how to play. Just flash it on the screen for 2 seconds or something. No need to make an in depth tutorial.