LF: Arist. My Work Lacks Polish
Hey all!
I"m currently developing a game along with a programmer friend of mine. It's a very ambitious project but one that I have the drive and desire to create. I have been doing all the art assets so far, but my work lacks...polish. It's really basic looking, and while I do love the top down pixel style, I'd like someone with a little more experience to either give me some tips on how to work in movements and building up my game assets, or someone to take my raw assets and clean them up a little bit for use in game!
It's a 2D top down pizel game. Somewhere between a link to the past and Enter The Gungeon :D (wasd to move, point click to attack, space bar rolls and dodgges) but in a fantasy setting.
I've been watching lots of tutorials and practicing but I've never been super artistic. I don't have the funds available to pay a professional right now unfortunately, so it would be a hobby/passion project until we start our kickstarter campaign in a few months, in which case there would be money there for someone to make some money off their work.
I'd also love a little help developing some "End Game" looks so that we can set up a website and show off what the game will look like a little further down the road.
Can you show me an example of your "basic" work, maybe? ^^
Something like this, I'm slowly working on lots of different assets regularly haha
The different pixel sizes you use are very wierd but is this intentional?
And are the frames that just look like a head with feet supposed to represent something? Him rolling?
Anyways, I might be able to make a version of this, but it's not certain you'll find it better than your own.
Do you have any concept art of the character btw?
Yeah it's a roll animation, and no I didn't mean to mess up the outlines, we are using placeholders right now as the programming is happening faster than the art and I've never done it before :P
It's a multiplayer game so that's just a blank we are using until we can develop character creation.
Roll animation? The character roll along the ground like sonic? Is it a game mechanic?
You basically have 4 controls. two actions on your mouse, left and right click, then you have movement controls and space bar is a movement ability. So either roll, dodge, side jump, go invisible, teleport, etc depending on the type of boots you're wearing. So when you're moving around, you can hit the spacebar to get a little boost of speed and roll in one direction. If I have to do the rest of the art myself, I'll probably change it to a jump so it's a little cleaner looking.