Triple kill (multiple tracks)
Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 13:13
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Hi everyone. Here is 3 short looped tracks for boss fight or hard race maybe. Genre hard rock/modern metal. Duration ~ 1 min. I hope you like it.
Archives include lossles wave and mp3 320 kbps.

These are nice! They do sound similar though mostly due to the same instruments being used (I think?). Your composition and sound quality is great. I think different instruments could add the cherry on top and make all 3 songs stand out.
Edit: Just wanted to add that these really do sound phenomenal though. They sound like they were profesionally made.
Thank You! Yes, same instruments were used.
About cherry on top, to be honest I was afraid to do a lot of detail/polyphony. The music will start distract from the game. Maybe next time will add a bit of synth or violin)
Appreciate for detailed feedback!
I think he meant "different" instruments but not "additional" instruments. It does indeed sound like 3 parts of the same (awesome professionaly made) song.
To be fair, many metal bands that I love also suffer of the same condition hahahaha
Oh, got it, thank You! Sorry, english not so good. Working on it.
I just tried to make them look alike. So it was conceived. (One game, one setting, one style, you know..)
But i don't really represent that it means "different". Maybe different equalizer settings? Guitar effect-processors? Style? Or it has to be Ukulele/Bongo black metal?)
tiagor2 is right in that I didn't mean additional instruments. I just meant different instruments. I'll try an explain it in detail since you said your english isn't the greatest.
For example all 3 songs have the same guitar. Rather than using the exact same guitar you could use a different type such as a distortion guitar or any other guitar instruments you have. You wouldn't change any of the notes being played. You would switch out the guitar with another one. Each song would have a different type of guitar which would make then sound different.
Here is another example as to why you might want to use different instruments. If I am making a game that has level 1, level 2, and level 3, and I wanted to use Doom on level 1, Skirmish on level 2, and Dirby Day on level 3, they sound so similar that the player might get bored of the music. If you switched out some of the instruments like a guitar for a different guitar, a drum for a different type of drum, but kept the same notes / composition, the player would be more entertained.
Did that make sense?
All right. Now i totally understood =). It's like in Painkiller game (love it so much..)
Thank You very much for explanation!