Multi Platformer Tileset - Grassland Old Version
Wednesday, May 17, 2017 - 23:27
Art Type:
I have various tilesets in a single pack called Multi Platformer Tileset, using PICO-8 palette for it. And currently there are more tilesets incoming in the future. Some of them are still in paper.
I currently revamped the first environment, Grassland. As leaving the old one to rust fells bad, I decided to give the old one for free, so here it is.
It have a terrain tileset, parallax scrolling backgrounds and additional assets (with a few animations). All this pack have 106 assets. Of course, in .png format.
In case you are interested for the new one, fell free to check more here:
Fell free to ask any questions or requests :D
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Credit to Diego del Solar or Shackhal, but is not necessary. Although I will appreciate it a lot.

n1 thanks for sharing
Thanks, man. I'm glad you like it.
Dang. Looks good. Thanks!
Nice stuff!
I'm glad you like it.
I checked this and then purchased the complete paid version.
Excellent work!
Thanks, man! I'm glad you like it.
Thank you, this is extremely well done and super useful!