Basic Green Monster Collection
Friday, January 13, 2017 - 10:07
Art Type:
- 2D::Sprite::Battle
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- Animals, Creatures, Critters, Mobs, and More!
- C0 fantasy modern game
- cc-by-3 possible game kits and gfx
- CC0 Sprites
- Characters
- DawnBringer 16-color Palette
- Pixel Art - JRPG
- pixelart-game
- Platformers
- QnD002 Assets
- Ragnar's CC0 Bag of Holding
- Waifu Wars - scouting
When I see Crawl and Nethack art made by Crawl Stone Soup team (,
I really like it and realized that their art is compatible with dawnbringer palette so I decided to recoloring some of the monster art to match gameboy style using dawnbringer palette.
Right now this art collection contain random 54 monster from Crawltiles Asset and will be updated regularly.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
All of this art was released in public domain (Common Creative Zero).
If you use this art you can give credit to original author Crawl Stone Soup Team ( and darkagent but is not mandatory.

Adding Batch 4 - 6 to collection
These are awesome, great stuff! :)
Thanks ^_^. Crawltiles have more than hundred asset and it really pain in the ass if i have to recoloring all of the asset >.<, so right now I only choose some random monster and regularly updated it to OGA.
Oh btw here is new update from me
A hundred?! That's certainly true. I counted over 3000, and that's not even including some of the more recent addtions. Or are you only converting the creatures? I think that would still be more than 500. Still, it looks like a fun project. :)
Yes, that's why I only selected some creature (mostly random) from their asset.
I Think their asset not only suitable for Roguelike type game but also JRPG/RPG stye to..
Maybe somethink like this (I use clint bellanger heroine dusk tile for this mockup)..
Hey darkagent, thanks for this! I wanted to let you know that one of your monsters has become a character in my new music video. I gave attribution and included a link to this page. Thank you for drawing these, the character I chose was perfect for my project :)
Thank you for making this. I am using it in this free to play project on
All the bosses in my game have these sprites.