Turtle master automaton
Monday, April 2, 2012 - 11:28
Art Type:
made for Tempest in the aether,
Turtle Master is one of the larger automaton living in the scrapyard outside of Lovelace. he uses smaller bots to fetch fuel as he is not very mobile himself, if one of the small bots fails to bring back a good piece of fuel, it's not uncommon for the Turtle master to use the bot itself as fuel.
contains normal maps, color maps, and spec maps (though the spec maps arent very detailed)
has 2 idle animation loops, no walking loops yet, but it's rigged so that it could.
made with cheetah 3d saved as a .fbx file (only one that supported animation)
if .obj files are required, let me know and i can convert them. but you'll lose the animation and skeliton rig.

Ozum stuff! Really, its good, and an .obj file would be nice :)
yeah, i'll upload one in a couple of days here i think, i was just holding off because the program i use cannot export animations or skeliton to .obj file format. and as of yet i've been too busy with school to really try animating anything with blender, otherwize id be using that to do my animations. anyhoozer, keep posted and i'll get .obj up soon
Ho wow!! wath program you used?
for the modeling of the low poly model i used Cheetah 3d, (lovely in its simplicity, but it can get to be a bit trouble some for game dev and working with other programs) after the low poly model was done i imported it into 3d Coat (similar zbrush but cheaper and with a few less features) and made a high poly model of it it to turn into a normal map as well as all the textures. both are lovely programs.