Desolaris, The Ringed Desert Planet
Desolaris is one of the Persephone-1 System's inner planets. A little closer to the center star than Perseophone itself, this planet has long suffered from a hotter climate, making life difficult, if not impossible to exist. However, in recent years, the intelligent Peserphonians have discovered a large reservoir of water beneath Desolaris' rocky, sandy surface, and have recently begun excavation and terraforming efforts. It seems that, at least for now, their efforts are paying off, as the lower hemisphere has developed a large river and with it, an Oasis.
Will the Persephonians succeed in their efforts, or are they tampering with fate a little too much...?
Included are the High-Res images of Desolaris with and without rings, and the RPG Maker-ready tile set. Bring this mysterious world into your game today!
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