Heliotropos, the Purple Ringed Planet
Friday, September 16, 2016 - 20:32
Art Type:
Behold the beautiful Helioropos, a newly discovered planet in the Persephone-1 System!
Heliotropos features the furthest and thinest rings of all my ringed planets to date, and is the first in the series that have rings that are vertical, like the rings around Uranus. Cold and desolate, what secrets can this planet hold?
Features a hi-res image of both the ringed and non-ringed versions and the RPG-Maker Sprite sheet.
Made with Photoshop 6.0
Free for commercial and private use under the CC license.
UPDATE: The licence for this project has been changed to CC-BY to allow for more flexible use in your projects. Please review the updated Read Me File here. If you need more information, please review my Art Assets FAQ.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
"Heliotropos" by Molly "Cougarmint" Willits

Nice deep space. Is this repeated image, but crooked?
It's actually showcasing a different planet on the same background I use for all my Previews. The reason why I haven't released the background yet is because, quite frankly, it's just a quick-and-dirty mockup to show the planets in a space-like settig and honestly, I don't want to release such shoddy work to the public -- unless they want it, of course. I plan to work on a beautiful space background eventually.
In any case, the planet is brand new, the background is not.