A tiny set of mini trees, for all purpose, including commercial projects.
Size: 253x172px
Format: PNG (with transparent background)
Please, give me credit, if you use it.
This set was made using MS-Paint Brush-64 bits version; Transparency applied with Game Maker's sprite editor.
Possible useful that I indicate:mini-maps, "nano" top-down shooters, RPGs and other games where aerial view is needed.
Enjoy and visit:
My gallery -
My blog - - A blog about art on games - "Todas as suas bases pertencem a nós!" (All your base are belong to us" - An exclusive blog about shmups
Please, forgive me if licenses specified are not clear or if they show incompatible, I still did not understand fully this licenses scheme.

This is one of too many possibilities of application to "minitrees": this environment was built using a randomic generation code, in AS1.
soon, the whole package that make up this environment will be available for download.
This shouldn't have CC0 license on it; With CC0 you don't need to give credit.
And now?
You still say "Only credit is needed.", which conflicts with CC0; you should remove the text saying credit is needed, or use a license that requires credit. It was just that those two licenses didn't really work together:
CC0 - Don't need to credit
CC-BY - Need to credit
TKS, man. Finally, I understood :)