Realtime Rancher's 3D Model Pack
Friday, January 20, 2012 - 16:08
Art Type:
Two free realtime 3D models including a cow and a horse with 2k textures can be downloaded in blender or obj format from
The preview image above is 1920*1080

Well done, nice shaders. My girlfriend also liked them.
Except the lens flare? lol.
Amazing work omg great work for free
Just what I was looking for. Thank you very much, lyndon.
@Iconoclast lol the lense flare, that's my inane sense of humor (I couldn't resist)
@old_school thanks :)
@yd glad I could help.
Is there any specific reason why you didn't upload the models here on OGA?
EDIT: The models look great btw.
Hi CruzR
thanks, I'm monitoring model downloads so that I can ascertain whether it's worth making more of them or not. I'm keen on making an impala (South African antelope) next :)
Chevy calls them antelopes down there? Weird.
Sorry to throw the book at you on this, but site policy is that we need you to upload the actual content, and not just previews (I would have mentioned this earlier, but I didn't realize that the model files weren't included).
If you'd be willing to upload them, I'll do my best to implement a download counting mechanism on OGA, since I suspect other people would be interested too. If not, I'll have to de-publish this submission, as it doesn't contain the actual files.
Hi Bart
Thanks for informing me. I have no problem with uploading the actual assets, as previously stated the reason I chose not to do so was simply because there was no way (that was clear to me) that I would have been able to monitor downloads as I consider this data to be relevent when posting assets. I would not have made the original post had I realized that I was contravening site policy, but I was unable to find a policy relating to uploading content accessable from the submissions page at the time of creating the post. I have always strived to honor site policies that I post to, to the best of my knowledge.
As I feel that the original post will still serve as information of value to the community that utalize such assets and that penalizing me by deleting the post for an infraction against a policy that is not yet clearly visable would be unfair, I will for these reasons, respectfully not be modifying the original post. I may however consider creating a new post that is more inline with your site policies if you can kindly point me in the direction of this document?
My sincere appologies for the inconvenience that this matter has caused, but I hope that you can understand why I have, with consideration, come to these decissions.
Kind Regards
So, to summarize what you just said:
Did I miss anything?
For the record, you have succedded in making me look (and feel) like a jerk for politely asking you to do something that is frankly pretty obvious (that is, when you go to submit art, actually submit the art).
You may consider the previous comment to be written notification of site policy.
Thank you,
I've taken the liberty of fixing your post for you, as an apology for the site's lack of a clear policy on what it means to submit art. Here's a brief summary of what I did:
Sorry for the trouble,
Hi Bart
It really was not my intention to make you look or feel like a jerk, as I do (contrary to what might have been interpretted from my last post) have the highest degree of respect for what you guys do here. I certainly do not think you are a jerk.
Although this might not be the appropriate place to get into this discussion, I feel like I need to clarify my previous comment as there seems to be some misunderstanding.
Perhaps "penalize" was not the right choice of words and a little harsh on my part, but just to be clear I felt like deleting the post would have been a "penalization" not your asking me to upload the assets as I agree that this is a perfectly reasonable request as many sites make asset uploading a prerequisite of the submission process along with preview images. The problem was that when I created the post I did feel that I had submitted the art. As it is effectively available to anybody that chooses to read the post. There are some sites that consider this form of submission acceptable for example a submission of this type would be acceptable on the Art and Design setcion at ubuntuforums, and uploading the actual assets would have been frowned apon by the mods who consider uploading images greater than thumbnail size for content that can be linked to externally to be somewhat rude. I have had a personal experience with such a situation. When I created the post I made the assumption that your site did not favour a particular submission policy for example like the above mentioned or a policy more akin to something like that of turbosquid's.
Although you had offered to set up the functionallity that I wanted and for this I am very grateful, the functionallity currently does not exist. Which means that the data that I am collecting, with the intent to create visualizations that I will eventaully present to end users, will be skewed and perhaps not as credable. I also realize that you guys are probably really busy and I did not want to apply any additional pressure on you so that the functionallity that I required is implemented sooner at the expense of causing unnecassary stress for yourself or other developers. So leaving the post as it was seemed to me (at that point in time) to be a simpler solution.
I'm grateful that you have chosen not to delete the post, and I hope I have not offended you further in my comments. I just felt that I needed to clarify my motivations and in doing so hopefuly you will see that I did not mean any disrespect or to be confrontational.
There are now stats showing for the zip files, not for the .blend files though.
I recommend they say "(n downloads)" instead of "n" and that "n downloads" is a link, rather than "(n downloads)"
Hi Bart
The download counter does not seem to be working for these assets?
Thanks :)
Should be fixed now. My bad. :)
10/10 comments, would lmfao again.
Thanks Bart
The download counters seem to be working 100% now
Nice job :)
@Iconoclast glad to see you found it entertaining :)
Nice Work
even in 2021 for me
this helps me a lot