Sput's Soldier Pack
This Pack contains two factions or camo types of soldiers and 5 varaints of the AK-47. The guns come in a couple differnt sprites; Each Gun has a sprite to its self, one where the magazine is removed, one being held by a green soldier and another one being held by a black soldier. Each soldier has 3 movement sprites;The movements are very similair to the old mario sprites in the way that they are applied but the models for the soldiers I made my self and they do not resemble anyhting from that era. That being said these are not in 8 bit. Also included are two gunfire sprites that you can mix or pick from and a bullet sprite. In total there are 48 sprites.
Depending on the populaity of this Pack I will make camo's modeled after real camo used by militaries from around the world (multi-cam, ACU, ERDL. etc.). I will also make more guns, attachments and races for the soldiers. In the future I plan on making 8-bit assets that could be used in any side scroller.

Thanks man! :)