Arabic Architecture 16x16 Tileset - for FriendsWithMonsters
Friday, March 25, 2016 - 05:02
Art Type:
I made an addition to the friendswithmonsters tileset for arabic or oriental villages and temples. Please consider a Donation. This is compatible with the FriendsWithMonsters Assets.
This is part of the growing FWM tileset and assets collection, check there for updates and more tilesets: LimbusDev - FriendsWithMonsters Assets
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Georg Eckert 2016 (
If any problems with the licenses occur, or you are not sure if you are allowed to use this artwork, simply ask me ;)
This work is released under CC-BY-SA-3.0, which means you can use it in whatever way you want, even commercial. If you alternate it, you have to publish the alternated tileset under the same conditions - this applies only to the tileset, not to any other parts of your project. If this is not possible please contact me and we'll find a solution.