Top Down Zombie Shooter
I am making a game with another fellow and we need a 2D artist that can draw sprites. It's a top down zombie shooter. The game will have "perks" like CoD zombies but not exactly like it. You have to manage to survive to get these "perks". You can also build barriers. (WOOOOW SO COOL) I know right, but those barriers cost money to be built, and can be destroyed. We need spritetest to make a variety of sprites. Can you make the sprite height and width to 64, just to fit along with the game.
zombie types
a. walker
b. runners
c. bloaters
d. boss zombie (should be bigger then the rest of the zombies)
Power-Ups (can you make them bottle like)
a. fast movement
b. juggornog
c. rapid fire
d. buckspread
NPCs (can you draw a stand that makes the NPC looks like they are behind the stand)
a. Infirmary (Female)
b. Power-Up Station (Male)
a. Weapon Deposit (Male)
It would be great to see some examples of your levels and design style. I made up one zombie with a walk animation. If it is a style you would be interested in a could make some more stuff for you later.
ZombieWalk.gif 9.4 Kb [11 download(s)]
Zombie Walk.png 11.8 Kb [5 download(s)]
Here is the same one with disolored skin
ZombieWalk1.gif 9.5 Kb [8 download(s)]
Zombie Walk.png 12.4 Kb [12 download(s)]
This is what my game looks like, I like the discolored skin it makes the zombie looks as if he's actually dead. And thank you for helping
Took a little time after lunch and made a (to the best of my ability never really done top down work before.) Crawling zombie.
Crawlgif.gif 19.7 Kb [15 download(s)]
ZombieCrawl.png 25.8 Kb [18 download(s)]
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