knockout (midi) song
Thursday, December 24, 2015 - 19:27
Art Type:
"HXC" song , public domain. :V
If you like this song please make sure to visit my latest article with 3 extra songs ( public domain also )
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
no need to but you can link my site if you want

Gran trabajo
Gracias amigo. Saludos
His style Remnds me of 1st person shoot e'm ups bgm music. It sounds likea music pack for DOOM MODS. And Because it was under public domain I decide to add some extra tracks to this tune.
I also like the tune Untitled...Just add Strings Esemble for bass and it sounds lot more better.
to smooth out the distorted guitar. There's also a series of riffs that are interesting in Bangbang as well.
feel free to add whatever you wish to the tracks, I made this songs back in 2008 and found them on a CD and decided to share them . If i ever go back to making midi music i will consider your tips and ideas! Feel free to share your version , Thanks for the feedback!
Have a listen to the extra tracks I put in your tunes and let me know what you think of the
change. I've uploded it in the music section.