Onision's music
I just got permission from Youtube celebrity and musician Gregory "Onision" Jackson, to use his music for this site. The general licensing disclaimer for his music is slightly ambiguous, so I posted a thread on his site asking if it was okay, and his response was "It doesn't matter what you use it in - so long as it is legal & you give credit to "Onision" in the project itself - you will be fine."
My predicament is that I have several hundred of his songs on my computer, and I'm not very qualified to pick out what would be useful for OGA, as I'm not a very musically-inclined person. I'll upload a few songs as a teaser, and if anybody is interested in sorting through a few hundred more, I'll upload a torrent. They're all available to download on his site, but the only way currently to download them as bulk is if you're a registered member of the forum with a certain post count, so that's why a torrent would be more useful (and would save the man some bandwidth).
Would anybody be interested in sorting through the mess? Some of it's crap, but there a quite a few gems.
Here's an example track: http://opengameart.org/content/7227-news-theme
Since, I am the audio admin here I guess I will step up and take that challenge if you do not feel comfortable doing it yourself. Upload me a torrent and I will sort through them. Thanks :)
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
You can safely skip anything in the "I'm So..." line, unless it's (INS).
I am ready to download this whenever. I will let it run in the background.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
Apparently I'm an idiot who forgets to add trackers to his torrents. Fixed, I think.
Files deleted.....?
>and his response was "It doesn't matter what you use it in - so long as it is legal & you give credit to "Onision" in the project itself - you will be fine."
I feel this is too ambiguous and fails as a grant.
It could simply be a unilateral covenant not to sue you.
That would create an estoppel situation where, because of his words (if you can prove it) he would be barred from bringing suit against you (specifically you, not anyone else).
But this is not a copyright license grant.
Please ask him to perhaps license his work under one of the CC licenses (explicit grant).