Instant Art Creator (2D)
Tuesday, June 9, 2015 - 07:01
Hey all,
here is a new tool I am developing that should be very helpful in making game graphics. Please let me know what you think? I threw in some art from OGA for fun in my screenshot.
It generates random variations quickly and I have a free version to download.
Looks embarrassingly naive.
If you really desire to make something useful, consider writing a texture generation package, using neural nets or markov model. I.e. user inputs existing texture and the library generates similar texture, together with normal map. Bonus points if it is embedable library.
For entities, 3d model generation would be easier and produce better result, than simpler combination of several layers.
These are great ideas thanks! I think if I added further modules or plugins for certain layers and outputs would help as you mention. So far it is a simple tool, but it can definitely be expanded. Onto the next iteration...
Honestly i doubt i would want to use such basic arts. I would rather take GIMP and mix something neat and clean myself.
Oh the art quality is really up to you, these were just sample images I added, you can use source images as large as 1024x1024. The main thing this tool helps with is fast variations. Even in photoshop or gimp you still have to turn on and off layers to see different possibilities, which can be tedious. If you have a thousand images you wanted to mix up quickly you could do so with this tool. Just make sure there is transparency in your images for lower layer images to show through.
GIMP can mix them just as well. Especially if you use scripting capabilities.
That is why I recommend you future improving the tool with functionality that are very tedious or impossible with raster editor. Like texture generation. Although you can make a GIMP plugin instead.
True, but most people don't know how to script. Though I will keep looking for unique ways to make this tool stand out. I really want to help get rid of some tedious tasks in the bigger programs. Thats really the pain point I am going after to help make art quickly. Since it usually takes a long time to crank stuff out with gimp or photoshop. I will see if I can add some texture generation options as well.