Sting from Lord of the Rings (No blade or handle detail)
Sunday, February 8, 2015 - 08:02
Art Type:
A model of Sting from Lord of the Rings (No blade or handle detail). Not very good but this is my first 3d model ever.

A model of Sting from Lord of the Rings (No blade or handle detail). Not very good but this is my first 3d model ever.
Isn't this copyrighted by the Lord of the Rings?
I could be wrong, but I suspect that by removing the title "sting" and "Lotr" this is a fairly basic sword design, especially without a handle. But it probably depends on how precisely you modeled it after sting, as in proportions, the ridge running down the blade, the hilt, etc. Probably deserves a mod's opinion nonetheless.
Either way, it looks really good, especially for your first 3d model ever!!!