Tux Junior - Charm Challenge
Tux Junior is looking for a few new level charms. We're running a small developer challenge to try and encourage new developers to contribute to our project. Want to join the Fun?
Take a look at this post:
<OpenGameArt> * content: Tux Junior - Charm Challenge <http://opengameart.org/content/tux-junior-charm-challenge>
<gwater> So that's my Tux Junior link above, I'm running a Charm Challenge. If you have any free time today, please give the idea some thought. If no one wants to help I'll probably update these myself, or let the current graphics stand.
<gwater> Here's a Tux Junior dev video - showing some level editor stuff
<gwater> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkkkGXitSjI
<gwater> http://opengameart.org/content/tux-junior-charm-challenge