Raon Kapuan/hreikin model packs to isometric tiles?
Sunday, November 16, 2014 - 14:40
I am wondering if anyone has knowledge or would be willing to help out. These 3d model asset packs are fantastic looking, the new ones from 3TDF Studios by Raon Kapuan. I would like to make them into isometric PNGs for a game I am working on called "into darkness".
So, does anyone know how to take the models and turn them into isometric PNGs?
or is anyone willing to go through the process of doing it to help out? I can compensate you with cash or credit in game.
Any help would be great.
please take a look at my picture examples from the game, I have been lurking on opengameart for a long time and using the assets as well as all of the great isometric models.