Dream 2 Ambience
Monday, March 24, 2014 - 12:32
Art Type:

Another dreamy type thing. Could be used for ambience or something. Hope someone finds a use for it.
Attribution Instructions:
Feel free to use it anyway you want. No credit necessary.

Could you upload an original higher quality (>5 MB) version, perhaps OGG or WAV? This could be used in a video project. Nice work.
Thanks, I'm glad you like it. I've added an OGG and a WAV. I hope they are ok.
Very nice, needs more tags: maybe creepy, atmospheric, horror, space...
Thank you, Sakura_Ninja. The WAV and MP3 have slightly different lengths and volume levels, so I am confident that the WAV is a higher quality. This is a great piece to have in my collection. I do prefer this over your previous dream ambience track. Something about this just seems more dream-like.
Hi, I'm thinking of using this for a small game I'm making and I'd like to credit you. I'd like to credit your real name though and not "sakura ninja". If you like, please let me know via PM.
Thanks guys. Glad you all like it. Roberto there is no need to credit me, but if you really want to my name is Marcus Davies. Plus I would be very interested in seeing your game when finishe. Thanks Congusbongus, I've added more tags. Thanks again.
Good stuff! I may be using this in a space-themed project (need to confirm with partner).
Hello Marcus,
our game is out for iOS and Android devices: it's a very minimalistic and niche type of game, so don't expect much ;)
Here are the links:
iOS: http://bit.ly/1noMTlP
Android (google play): http://bit.ly/1pPsyv0
Thanks for the link Roberto, I'll check it out as soon as I can.
How can I to do the download file??
Sorry Stefaniprata, what do you mean?
Nice !!
Good day. Thanks for song/track. Very inspired.. I made remix (if you intresting) https://soundcloud.com/user-475851626/dark-ambient-boom-bap
Anyway - thx