FreeGish is a free version of Gish. It is based on the source code of Gish that was published in 2010 with the Humble Indie Bundle. The source code of Gish did not include the art, level or music assets that are in the original game. An effort has been made to make the project more approachable for contributors and players. Several levels have been created and freely available art and music assets are used along with some programmer-art to make the game playable.
At the moment there's on-going work to make FreeGish more approachable and fun. At the moment this includes more interesting levels and art assets. The goal is to have a quality open source game that can be shipped in several Linux distributions and furthermore be playable by everyone.
The art assets that are really lacking at this time are the ones for gish, enemies and items. For level texture work existing assets have been used that look nice already.
The style is at the moment similar to the style of the original Gish, grim and gritty but with higher resolution textures than the original game had. The art for enemies and items probably would need a similar style, but if you have ideas of your own please say so!
Here are some screenshots of the game in its current state:
The project can be found here: