HD multi-layer Parallex background samples of Glitch game assets.
- 16bit FPS
- 2D assets
- Amazing Stuff
- assets for a generic plateformer
- b.g
- Background
- Background Scenes
- Backgrounds
- Backgrounds
- Backgrounds
- candidate for sss
- Cartoonish Assets
- CC0 Art
- CC0 Backgrounds
- Creative Commons
- Crypt Creeper
- Dominions
- Environments
- Fairytale platformer
- Fantasy
- float assets
- Gardening Game
- Glitch PNGs
- Golden Axe
- Good CC0-Art
- High Quality Art
- HQ Exteriors & Landscapes
- legends
- My Game Sprites
- one click minecraft
- Parallaxing Glitch Art Collection
- Pixel art
- platformer resources
- Platformers
- Ragnar's CC0 Bag of Holding
- RpgMakerAssets
- shootem up
- Side Scrolling Art Collection
- Super Mega World 3D
- the island
- Trench Bench
- wild animals
- window shopping
- Zelda Like RPG
Ten sample scene image sets for parallax side-scrollers, created from assets found in the massive library of Glitch game resources put into public domain.
While there are libraries of Glitch game individual assets converted from Flash to PNG or SVG format, and complete Location composites available online, I have not seen any separate layer files ready to be used in a parallax side-scroller game, like one might create with Starling.
Several of these location files are 6000x1000 pixels, some are vertical climbing layouts. Rather than using using a jsfl utility to extract the assets from Flash files, these were composited and output by Flash runtime code, allowing the layer color filter specs. to be implemented, providing more depth and variety, missing from other implementations I have seen. Each location has 4 to 8 .png layer files, an official Glitch preview .jpg file, and for academic completeness, the .xml scene definition files used to generate these composites, some Glitch scenes are composed of up to 1343 elements. (The G...xml files define the composition scene, the L...xml files appear to be more about player movemment and interaction.)
To reduce the ram footprint you would want to merge the Gradient(background) and Sky layers, as well as the MiddleGround and MiddlePlus files, other layers are separate just for processing and not for parallex. The images could be cropped down to the dimensions of the scene gradient background, the elements have been left hanging out the edges to show how the layers are composed. Sorry no layer alignment information is provided, you will have to line them up by hand, the rear most sky layer is narrower since it scrolls leas in your viewport, looks like it was streatched in the preview images.
These sample all use the Groddle1 world assets, and are more real world looking than some of the other worlds (Hubs) some of which are quite cartoonish, there are a few puzzle like scenes as well.
I may provide a larger library or an Location exporter tool at a later date, but not until I have completed a couple of game projects employing these resources. Thanks again to Tiny Speck for their generosity.

This is awesome.
What!? this is soooo good! Thank you very much!
nice bgs
I'm so conflicted. I'm sad that Glitch is gone but SOOO excited to have access to these assets.
wow, great !!!, AWESOME
Really good!
Thanks for sharing.
Amazing !!
Is this art safe to use? Is it really Public Domain? I kinda get confused by the description text. Is / was Glitch a free or copyright free tool / library / wathever? What is Glitch?
Glitch was an online game that failed commercially and all the assets were donated to the Public Domain - see glitchthegame.com
It's like Bionicle the background, "On the island of Mata Nui, new legends awake! The power of the Toa has increased, the Makuta have hidden and the world forever changed! Welcome to Nui Magna!" Bionicle Each set sold separately.
Hi Tiny Speck and jakegamer,
Thank you very much for sharing this asset!
I have used your HD multi-layer Parallex background samples of Glitch game assets in the creation of a short game about a monarch butterfly migrating south for the winter.
The game is released on itch @ https://michaelvanham.itch.io/float