Minimalistic RPG game assets 2 back and stronger
Friday, December 27, 2013 - 16:07
Art Type:
Well... these are a continuation of the this time, I decided to modify some things and "add something" to some things, I have had problems drawing a house in this style, so I designed wall tiles and floor to cover for it, 3 sets of items and attacks "Normal. golden and dark" different tilesets that include grass, water, dirt, snow, interiors, and water each one with it's own transition, added slime, skeleton and skeleton king, had some fun drawing these guys hope you like them
Attribution Instructions:
if you want, and only if you want you can put my name "MikeDark_x" somewhere, thought it's not needed, if you want I would be really happy watching where you used it, thought as I said before is not necesary

These are really cool!
Hey Mike, I'd really like for you to continue with this set! *EDITED* I liked to contact you and show you what I've done with your graphics and how I intend to use them. I thank you will like it!