Heavy Terror Machine Assets
Sunday, September 1, 2013 - 16:50
Art Type:
- 16 Or More Frame Walk Cycles
- 2D::Sprite::Sidescroll
- Animosity
- assets for a generic plateformer
- CC0 Backgrounds
- CC0 Walk Cycles
- CF Inspiration
- MetalTek
- Platformer/Sidescroller Characters and Enemies
- Platformer/Sidescroller Tiles and Backgrounds
- Psychopomp
- Side Scrolling Art Collection
- Side Scrolling Character Art Collection
Okay, heres the final game "Heavy Terror Machineassets in png format. Third game art from the OpenBundle by Nik.
if there are any pieces of art I forgot to convert just let me know, or rip it from the fla yourself if you know how.
the fla is provided at http://open.commonly.cc/
Attribution Instructions:
A nod to me as MindChamber would be cool, but its totally your call.

I like your artwork and might be looking to get some backgrounds commisioned. How do I contact you so I can tell you details.
Very ossum sprites
thanks for the kind words, the name of the game comes from the song and was inspired from. So I do not have the rights to to the title of the game so contact musician through the Newgrounds page and work something out with him, or create your own new title.
not sure if you still viist here, but I wanted to say you did a great job with MegaBots.. It looks great on my phone!
I love your art man.thanks for all
it's really awesome, man. thanks for your art work.
Dunno about the graphics, but the included sounds are stolen from Sound Ideas Series 6000 General.
They weren't stolen, I purchased these over a decade ago.. but I'll be removing them from the file. Thanks
Okay. Do you have Sound Ideas permission to release them into public domain? Or maybe these CDs came with a license explicitly stating that these sound are public domain? These CDs usually meant only for a single workplace use, with royalty free license. I.e. only the sound engineer owning such CD has the right to use these sounds, and they cannot be bundled as a preset with music design programs. If you have no permission, then it would be like sharing some non-free video game on torrents - i.e. stealing. So my suggestion is to only sharing stuff you made yourself or got explicit permission to share. Otherwise you will get indie developers into trouble: for example, some hater can easily report their game or repository for copyright infringement, pulling it down, and as we know from gamergate, there are a lot of bored people going into flame wars, reporting each other to employers over facebook posts, etc..
From now on I'll be only uploading sounds I foley myself..
Next time though try not to be so accusatory.. Most people here are uploading work they spent a good amount of thier time working on, and if they inadvertently upload assets they do not have a right to share it's usually a genuine misstake and not some attempt at monetary gain.
Because from where I'm standing you sound like that same, bored hater, who has nothing better to offer.
@Omerolvey: MindChamber isn't wrong; It's good to point out potential licensing issues, but you've gotta chill on the hostile accusitory tone. 99% of the time, it's a mistake and people didn't intend any malice. That aside, your followup response was entirely unneccessary since MindChambar had removed the sound components long before your reply. I appreciate your diligence, but I need you to find a friendlier way to point out potential problems.
Well, MindChamber's sprites are actually really cool.