Pink Knight assets.
Saturday, July 20, 2013 - 11:28
Art Type:
Here's the first of the 3 games I had available for the open bundle that Nick Liow put together.
Sorry it's taking me so long to get them on Opengameart, but alot of the animations were made using parts made up of movieClips so exporting them into a sprite sequence is proved really time consoming.
But heres the first one Its all the Art, sprites, background art, sound effects, and music loops used in Da Pink Knight.
So theres Png sequences of
The Pink Knight
Giant Mech clockwork knight
small minion knight
explosions and other effects.
Just stating this for the record this is not associated with CastleCrashers or Behemoth in anyway.
once I have the free time I will be converting the other two game assets into png files and uploading here.
Attribution Instructions:
it would be nice if you credited me "MindChamber" but since is CCO you dont really have to.. but it would be nice :3

Very nice!
the effect folder is interesting. are these effects hand drawn frame by frame or was it somehow generated.
hand drawn, you can see the raw movie clips in the fla.
Hi @MindChamber,
Great great work... i love it :) i'm thinking on making use of this beautiful art. I was checking all the files, and i could not found the "life bars" UI assets that are presented on in-game phase.
Can you help?
Regards + Thanks!
Sorry for the late reply, Sorry about that I forgot to add the life bars. I'll convert them tomorrow night.. they are in the fla folder if you need them right away.
Hi @MindChamber, many thanks :)
Amazing like your other animations, Keep up the good work sir!
Amazing art! What inspired you to make the knight who can transform into a tank / batterring ram?
Awesome, thanks MindChamber!!