Monday, July 8, 2013 - 14:23
Art Type:
Heres the third and final sprite Ill be uploading from the redbaron game.
Hes not as pretty as the wolf, or red baron, but he makes for great fodder.
Attribution Instructions:
a Credit with my name would be nice, and if you wanted to add my logo that would be cool too (though optional)

Your work is just too brilliant! Think i'll be using this for my game as well! Letting you know its coming along nicely but still a lot more work to be done :) :D
cool looking foward to seeing it!
These Red Baron sprites are awesome, I am curious did this game see the light of day? Also random question I love your art style would you be interested in doing some contract work on a project with my team and I? If that sounds interesting email me at again great work
Hey thanks!
actually yes, these are sprites from the "red baron " which basically started as just a way for me to use older sprites from a previous rpg game I made with some friends.
I ended up throwing up a sprite contest and the winners got their characters in the game as enemies
the game has about 2 mil plays on newgrounds, but almost 8 mill webwide, which aint bad. its pretty old though.
Like your other works, very well done.
I want to use some of these commercially with slight modification in a pet project that I'm working on - it's a game for android.
I'll attribute you for this work with your name & logo, just need your permission.
Best Regards,