Spam - Removal of publications
After 5 long years of working on a game, gathering from OpenGameArte something like 350 pages of material from various artists, the time had come to make the appropriate references to the material used, the location (game) where the material was applied and where you could check the appropriate credits and an illustrative image of the game/application, as is customary. However, not everyone is so organized and/or makes the appropriate references. So, some OpenGameArt colleague may have been startled or annoyed by the posts I've made today (and these last few days), even though the whole point was to do my part as a user of licensed material.
Todavai, I went to take a look at the publications I made in this regard and saw that they were all gone. Therefore, I leave it up to OpenGameArt to inform its customers/users about what has been done and removed, given that with these publications alone I spent more than days (several days, many days working on the best way to recognize the work of each colleague, adjusting translations (because I'm not so good at English), in order to be able to really value the work of others. BUT, due to my organization and hard work, with sequential publications (not least because I am planned and have several other commitments to honor), I was very badly interpreted
Depois de longos 5 anos de trabalho em um jogo, reunindo apenas da OpenGameArt algo em torno de mais de 350 páginas de material de diversos artistas, havia chegada a hora de fazer as devidas referências do material usado, o local onde material foi aplicado (link do jogo), para os artistas terem possibilidade de verificar os devidos créditos, e uma imagem ilustrativa do jogo/aplicação, como é de praxe. Porém, nem todas as pessoas são tão organizadas e/ou fazem as devidas referências. Assim, algum colega do OpenGameArt deve ter se assustado ou se incomodado com as publicações que eu fiz hoje (e nesses últimos dias), conquanto o total interesse era cumprir a minha parte de usuário de material sob licença.
Todavia, fui dar uma olhada nas publicações que fiz a esse respeito e vi que todas não constavam mais. Assim, deixo sob total responsabilidade da OpenGameArt informar aos seus clientes/usuários a respeito do que foi feito e retirado do ar, haja vista que somente com essas publicações fiquei mais de dias (diversos dias, muitos dias) trabalhando na melhor forma de reconhecimento do trabalho de cada colega, ajustando traduções (pois não sou tão bom no Inglês), a fim de poder realmente dar valor ao trabalho de terceiro. MAS, devido a minha organização e ardo trabalho, com publicações sequenciais (até porque sou planejado e tenho diversos outros compromissos para honrar), fui muito mal interpretado e removeram as publicações.
Não vou fazer retrabalho.
I believe you may be misunderstanding your responsibility with regards to the asset licenses and attribution. You are NOT required to inform the authors that you are using their assets. You ARE required to give them attribution in your game (not on OpenGameArt). This means listing the author, the asset, the license, and a link to the asset page in your game's credits file or credits screen. "Attribution" does not mean listing a link to your game on the asset page.
It is often polite to let the author know that you are using their asset in your game, but you posted 126 messages with a copy-and-paste template including a link to your game and a large advertisement-like image. This is difficult for the spam filter to distinguish as a heart-felt thanks to authors. The removal of your comments was automated and temporary. They aren't deleted, just hidden for now. In the future, if you are going to post a large volume of comments like this, I would recommend something more brief, such as "Thanks for sharing this. I used it in my game. Visit my profile page for a link to it."
This is incorrect. It is still your responsibility to adhere to the terms of the licenses, it is not OGA's responsibility. However, notifying the author and other users that you are using the asset is not a requirement of any license. You should be notifying your players which assets and licenses were used in your game, not the authors of the assets.
Again, it is sometimes polite to inform the author's as well as your players, but informing the authors is not what the licenses require, and it should be done in a way that doesn't look like spam. We are happy to help in this regard if you have any other questions.
--Medicine Storm
I carefully read your message and, putting myself in OpenGameArt's shoes, I agree that I may have erred in the way I acted.
So, I apologize and acknowledge that I never intended to disrupt this community that has helped me so much.
With each post, I was reliving those moments when I found the perfect sound or image for the game, and I think I overstepped by also including a screenshot of the game.
I won't deny that I would be interested in having colleagues visit the Steam page, but my primary and essential goal was to acknowledge the artist and the place where their work was applied.
Your suggestion of a short comment indicating the page might be better.
Finally, I note that the credits to all the artists and contributors are in the game's credits scene.
Apologies and thanks to OpenGameArt for bringing together such wonderful people.
I am at your complete disposal.
Li com muita atenção a sua mensagem e, colocando-me no lugar da OpenGameArt, concordo que posso ter errado da forma como fiz.
Então peço desculpas e registro que jamais queria tumultuar de alguma forma essa comunidade que tanto me ajudou.
A cada postagem ia revivendo aqueles momentos quando consegui encontrar um som ou uma imagem perfeita para o jogo, e acho que me excedi ao incluir também uma tela do jogo.
Não vou negar que teria interesse que os colegas visitassem a página da Steam, mas o trabalho primário e essencial para mim era registrar para o artista o local onde os seus trabalhos foram aplicados.
A sua sugestão de um comentário curto indicando a página poderia ser melhor.
Por fim, registro que os créditos a todos os artistas e contribuidores estão na cena de créditos do jogo.
Desculpas e obrigado a OpenGameArt por reuniar pessoas tão maravilhosas.
Fico a total disposição.
WOW, 56 comments today and still going. How many more do you have left to go?
See how my reference messages are going... I've already spoken to the moderator.
Fortunately, I used material from many colleagues and I am thanking them in a very appropriate way, as per the guidelines above.
About 100 more to go (+/-). And I'm not doing everything together so as not to step on anyone's toes.
If anyone has the opportunity to see the credits in my game, they will probably come here on the forum and say: how unfair we were with PFNienow.
I don't understand people...
I see from your response you misunderstand my humour for sarcasm, a possible language barrier or cultural difference maybe?
For now I would say, for the sake of your future publicity and fame as well as maintaining a professional image, is to rise above playing the victim.
All the best.
Me and all the AIs
uh yeah we can all ask ai about this but maybe that not the best thing to take advice from
he was just sayin u are posting alot
bcuz u are
and its fine
That's good! I don't want a fight. We've all lost. I just thought that the way I was going, after MedicineStorm's guidance, everything would be fine.
I'm going to take a break.
Sorry for the misunderstandings. Sorry again MedicineStorm and sorry for anything Tsorthan Grove.
I'll leave the credit indications as they are: the ones that have already been made (in case you don't want to delete them and the ones that will always be visible and available in the game)
I hope that the next time we meet, it'll just be a reminder that there was once a misunderstanding, but that now we can sit down together and have a good chat.
Prosperity to the OpenGameArt community and its fine artists