Flower Pack
Thursday, December 28, 2023 - 10:10
Art Type:
A set of 63 Flowers In 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512.
You can use these game assets without credit, but credit would be appreciated

These look lik prerendered 3d models. Do you have the 3D models themselves?
No, But i got inspiration from real life flowers
How did you make these if there are no 3D models for them?
These are not prerendered 3D Models
i Make a white version of every flower and then i just color the flowers. I use an application caled procreate
Procreate uses 3D models. Did you create the 3D flowers or did they come with procreate or did they come from somewhere else?
I created them, butyou dont have to use a 3D Model to draw in procreate
As i said before i these are not prerendered 3D Models.
I also used google images as inspiration
Remarkable! My mistake; they look exactly like 3D polygonal flowers. How do you achieve that effect with just 2D painting? They're lovely.
This is a great collection! I will definitely keep this in mind for adding to my project