38 More old school planets
Friday, January 20, 2023 - 22:56
Art Type:
Made more planets with LunarCell.
Prefixes correspond to a base size in case you want to make alpha channels for them.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
I made these with http://www.flamingpear.com/lunarcell.html so you should probably just credit it.

That's a nice variety of rocky worlds with atmosphere and no rings.
Is this the original resolution? It would be worth uploading higher res versions if available.
I see that there are at least two different disc sizes for the planets even though the images sizes are the same. So I guess it can't be one base size for all of them?
More varied rocky worlds without atmosphere, and gas giants, would be a good extension. And, if lunarcell has any facility for doing ring systems, OGA is especially hurting for ringed planets!
LunarCell can generate at larger resolutions, these are just the ones I picked. The letter prefixes should map to specific disc sizes; I just picked random letters and switched letters when I resized the template.
I'll try to do some more rocky planets next time! I personally get the most excited about ones with shiny atmospheres.
Unfortunately, LunarCell can't do ringed planets or gas gants, just ringless terrestrial worlds.
Higher res planets for ya: https://opengameart.org/content/38-larger-planet-sprites