PT-BR Common Localisation Strings
After working for a while with game translation and seeing many games with terrible bot-made translations in the App Store, I decided to create a simple spreadsheet with common game terms translated into Brazilian Portuguese (my native language) so that you can test and implement alternate languages in your games while being sure your text strings are correct!
Includes a column with english strings, another with those strings translated into portuguese, alternate translations in a separate column for when there's more than one good way of translating things, and finally a column for notes and observations. File format is from LibreOffice Calc, which Excel should open with no issue. Zipped together with a readme due to OGA file format restrictions. Contains 60 source strings.
I only translated generic content - menu and UI, options menu strings, that sort of thing. Should be enough for textless games, like short jam projects. But if you want me to completely localise your game's strings, feel free to leave a message or send me an e-mail! I don't charge for translating free and open source content.
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