Mine Object collection
mine Tracks, Mine Carts, pick axes, jars and more, Mine Tracks and Pipes might require a little bit of your creativity to assemble.
the tools, post and contraption will need some parts of them to be hidden.
there will be some *Collection.fbx files in there, those are objects that use the same texture collections in a single fbx file. ya can extract the mesh after importing them to the unity or similar game engine or use the usual files in the folders. feel free to delete them if not needed
Material already setup in the godot folder and in the blend file.
Textures is in 1k resolution
all models are in fbx and gltf format, everything is packed in the blend file, godot zip file
Total Tris: 12757
License: Creative Commons 0 / CC0
Come check out my progress at https://twitter.com/TheLoafbrr
hope you like it!!
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Nicely done!