LPC Wands
Saturday, December 8, 2012 - 09:52
Art Type:
- 07. Pixel Art - LPC Character Additions
- 2D::Sprite::Orthogonal
- 3/4 Directional Sprite Sets
- Discontinuum
- Enemies and characters (Pixel Art)
- Epic Pixelart RPG
- Godot RPG Sample
- Kujasa
- Liberated Pixel Cup
- LPC Collection
- LPC For Humanoid Characters
- LPC Game assets
- Oddball Gamez LPC Style
- RPG Stuff Collection
- Test
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Characters Art Collection
It's a little thing, but here's steel and wooden wands for the LPC sprites. Works with slashing animations
Demo sheet uses Sharm's dress (adapted by me for slashing), Manuel Riecke's hair, and Redshrike's base animations.
The wand is actually adapted, after a long process, from Wulax's rapier. I'd love to know if people think that should be in the atrribution instructions as well, or if it is sufficiently "changed" so as not to require it. Either way, he deserves the acknowledgements.
As usual, it's been merged into the Universal Sprite Sheet https://github.com/makrohn/Universal-LPC-spritesheet
Attribution Instructions:
Matthew Krohn

On 11/9/2022. Makrohn gave permission to use OGA-BY for this submission. All artists who's works this was derived from have already added OGA-BY to the source works.
The license has been added to this submission.