Breakable Seats
table is just a wider, taller chair. Grab your own chair before someone smacks you with one, go get 'em
Materials already setup in the godot folder and in the blend file.
Textures is in 2k resolution
all models are in fbx format, everything is packed in the blend file,
Total Tris of 2x2Wood:172
Total Tris of 2x2Wood Collision Mesh: 722
Total Tris of Bench:412
Total Tris of Bench Collision Mesh: 164
Total Tris of Table:508
Total Tris of Table Collision Mesh: 188
Total Tris of Chair:356
Total Tris of Chair Collision:128
Total Tris of Stool:444
Total Tris of Stool Collision:120
License: Creative Commons 0 / CC0
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hope you like it!!
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