Pixel Character 01 - Onur
Friday, December 3, 2021 - 23:35
Art Type:
This is a remix of CC0 work Random Pixel Characters by Frozenen https://opengameart.org/content/random-pixel-characters-0
I took the character, adapted it and created a full set of animations using the ARCHERERER24 palette by archer-a
The spritesheet contains the following animations, h16 v8:
- Idle
- Walk Front
- Walk back
- Walk side
- Jump, Fall, Crouch, Climb
- Attack or Action
- Hit
- Death
- 4 frames talking portrait 16x16
Credit is not mandatory but is always appreciated as well as a link to your work!
Check the other characters of this series:
Frank: https://opengameart.org/content/random-pixel-characters-extended-02-frank
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Pixel Character 01 - Onur by Imogia Games. A derivative work from Frozenen Random Pixel Characters.