Free Ruby Assets (The mineral not Pokemon)
Hello I am looking for assets for RPG Maker VX Ace. The assets I need are NPCs, Characters, Animals trapped in ruby-like crystals. I need creatures that are infused or made out of ruby. I need random ruby decoration sprites. I unfortunetly cannot pay for these but if there are any free assets that anyone knows of I would greatly appreciate the assistance. I am no good at making my own custom sprites, I am basically just using free to use at the moment. I am currently practicing making sprites, it's just I am not good enough for what I am trying to accomplish. Also if there are no ruby-like assets I am not against just editing ones that are different colors. I can edit just fine, just no original things just yet.
If this is too much to ask I am sorry, I just don't know what else to do at the time being.
Thank you in advance.
Can you give a sample of what you want? I can´t help since pixel art is not my field but others will find it useful.
Something like this for the people and such trapped inside it. (Is this what you meant by an example?)