[LPC] Female Orc/Ogre/Goblin/Troll (base walkcycle)
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 - 03:09
Art Type:
- 2D::Sprite::Orthogonal
- 8 Frame Walk Cycles
- A Pixel Art Collection
- Assets
- Credits
- Discontinuum
- Enemies and characters (Pixel Art)
- Epic Pixelart RPG
- Fantasy RPG
- GameCollection
- hero game
- Into the Aether
- Kujasa
- Liberated Pixel Cup
- long licence fantasy modern game
- LPC Character Collection
- LPC Collection
- LPC For Humanoid Characters
- LPC Game assets
- Orcish Adventure!
- RPG Characters
- RPG Stuff Collection
- Test
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Characters Art Collection
- Walk Cycles
A female orc/ogre/troll/goblin. She needs more clothes and accessories. Could also make good base for female vampire.
Based on the female_walkcycle.png and Sinbad by Stephen Challener (AKA Redshrike)
Includes Pirate outfit.
Can modify the clothes for use on other LPC assets, but will require a little bit of work.

Nice, could you please consider making the male and other animations?
Male orc is on the way. See resource request forum.
Looks more like a goblin or such to me, but very nice work never the less. Put her into some nice dress and she will be the queen of any party ;)
Orc/ogre/goblin/alien/green thingy/troll/orion/she-hulk/mirialan...call it what you want.
Whatever suits your project or game :D
I tried the dresses that are part of the LPC assets...not a good look.
Might look at making a pirate outfit for her...
Hellz yeah ... You can even Hue it red and have yourself a nice Sucubus base moidel .
And I need to pull THIS apart into the universal lpc sprite sheet!
Added to the Universal Sprite Sheet!
To me it looks like male :D great work, i like that xcf file, its well organized. For people who do not know how to cut it.
Image>Guide>New Guide and slice it up.
To export it into separate images go
viola, you have got perfectly sliced and organized images. :) Thanks for this madmarcel i will use it in my little personal game project :)