1-Bit Platformer Pack
Friday, June 5, 2020 - 08:04
Art Type:
This package includes 400 tiles in 1-bit color format especially made for platformer (or similar) games. Includes characters, items, enemies and all sorts of blocks and tiles.
- 400 separate PNG tiles
- Tilesheet
Let me know if you have any questions or requests!
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Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Credit "Kenney.nl" or "www.kenney.nl", this is not mandatory.

might not be an original style, but maybe you can keep it up since you spent a lot of time on it. Might be inspired by this guy twitter.com/dumesoftware
I'm not going to call the police though. I let him know that you have a really similar art style kenney so if you get a message from him don't be surprised. It's good I just don't know how related it is.
The style does not look much alike apart from both being 1bit.
Or are you talking about the flying enemies?
it's probably ok, even if Kenney is literally copying the person there's nothing dume can do about it probably since 1 bit just does look like that. It's the fact that kenney chose black on white I guess that struck me as very coincidental.
I'm not too worried, no one is going to get sued probably, it would be silly to think that, it's just probably frustrating a bit for dume software if it's sort of a copy.
it's a very -good- copy though if it is. I'd rather have it stay up to be honest.
It's an extension of https://opengameart.org/content/1-bit-pack
Just without a paletted preview this time.
These clearly aren't copied, @InThePixel. Kenney has been around longer than Dume. Actually, Kenney's been doing game art longer than OGA has existed, so it's far more likely if any copying was going on, it would be people copying Kenney.
Thanks, I don't appreciate your condescending tone but will reply anyway;
1. I haven't seen that Twitter account before.
2. This is an extension of my previously released 1-bit pack which released before that Twitter account even existed.
3. I don't see many similarities other than being a single color, when working with small sprites (16×16 in this case) or basic styles you'll often create similar stuff to other artists using the same style.
Anyway, thanks for the support to others! :)
What are those enemies supposed to be, btw?
And is the one in the bottom right dropping with a parachute?
It also looks like the top right rotor blade of the second big fan is different from the others.
Also: the linked game uses three colors in it's sprites ... black, white and transparent
Thanks for sharing Kenney. Looks great!
@kenny @medicinestorm Here Here
@InThePixel You haven't been a member here very long, and i was a little gobsmacked by your comments here. My advice to you going forward would be if you suspect assets are 'copied', 'rippped' or 'stolen' from another author then you must take the time to back up your claims with evidence and then contact admin with your findings. They will then work on a resolution should those claims be found just. if you are not prepared to do that sort of work , then you should still contact admin via PM with your concerns. You shouldn't comment on the asset that suggests any sort of infringement as this could be damaging to not only the author, but to you as well. This sort of thing does leave a bad taste in the mouth and i doubt the community will appreciate you for it.
@Baŝto Not sure how to answer that, they're supposed to be enemies... I didn't have a particular type of object or character in mind when drawing them. The bottom right one indeed uses a parachute. Not sure what rotor blade you mean, sorry.
hopefully you can understand where I'm coming from chaser gaming. If this is the reaction I get for pointing something out like that I figure it's best for me just not to comment.
Yes it's also true I just made this account a few weeks ago but I've known about this site for a few years.
Forget I said anything. :\
Pretty sure I've even learned from a video or two from kenny on youtube. I recognize his icon. I was -not- trying to make kenny disappear here.
Thanks for understanding.
No worries, just be careful what you write next time. If you would've said "Hey these look like the assets found here, were you inspired by those?" That'd be a much nicer message and allowed me to elaborate. Just leave the police, the content removal, the suing etc. out of it.
I figured it was the "call the police" part. Yeah, at least you understand the copyright police aren't going to come swooping down because you're not trying to make an enterprise just off this style lol.
yeah....nevermind. ...heh
Pretty sure I couldn't even do that if I wanted to.
Sorry about that. Will follow your advice next time if I see anything I want to point out like that somewhere Kenney and chasersgaming. Thanks.
Hi, I made a mini-platformer game with this graphics-kit: