Isometric Crops and Farmland
Wednesday, November 27, 2019 - 14:30
Art Type:
The crops are fairly low in detail and only look good in small sizes. They are intended to assemble fields from many patches of them.
There are nine crops included in the archive - red cabbage, green cabbage, lettuce, potatoes, corn, wheat, pumpkins, carrots and tomatoes. They are partial transparent and need some soil texture under them to work.
Also included are 36 randomly assembled field areas.
Edit 2019/11/28:
Redid the whole package. Improved some of the vegetables, added a better tomato graphic and a pointy sort of cabbage.
Edit 2019/11/28-2:
Added "hjm-all_crops_in_lines.png" for those who need single specimen. Each line has a number of random variants.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
For attribution, please state my name, Hansjörg Malthaner, and link here:

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