Sci Fi Brawler Character
Created for the OGA Art Challenge 'Brought to Life'.
This character sprite sheet has been inspired by the submission:
which was included in Xom Adepts idea submission page.
Master System colour palette used. hope you like it. :)
Ideas of games were posted on this thread:
Game idea from member 'anti10188'.
ok lets do it!
Game setap-in not far future,most of land surface of planet covered in megacity.
all types of physical labor are performed by robots. humans work in since, art and enterteining.
one dayprotogonist going home, but auto drive car him to meeting point with gaverner AI.
it tell him about evacuation training in one of the sectors of the city was not a training and it lost contact with military and since AI part, and have no idea or time to deal with it.
Protocols dictate to use/ask humanto help in this...(first part of the game is to get connetc to military AI)
after 1/4 of game you get connected with sicne AI, and it tell you about what happend.
some alien invasion, military and since AI slow down and stardy invasion, disconnected them selfs to protecg humans,
1/2 of the game you saving military AI.
last part of the game you figthing with alien, win, humans and AIs save!
Thats a basic story.
Gameplay-you controle mecha unit (3d persone), and have squad of 3 more units (most likely mechas)
and here is a fun and educationpart of the game-
your squad behave automatically on situation of the field, they are AIs,
orders sistem-small slow time when giving them orders to move some where of do some thing,
*complex orders-chain of orders + situationla behavior + situational order
situationla behavior setted up be class or chassis, equipment,weapons e.t.c.
(using boston dinamiks mechs is recomended)
Setting in near future, after meteor shower in August all metals on planet (all raw) start to change a bit. People rejoice, technological progress, start to make a WALKERS mechs (main mashine to operate later) After some time, after few first walker in mining (protogonist place), minig operation attacked by metal animals and insects (dogs, wasps) (scout and support later in game)(consist entirely of metals above the melting point) people are frightened, you start fight em for few missions, discovering later it is only scouts for aliens, you start to see aliens walkers fight em, some bosses big and scary. at end of game you eble to talk with aliens find out they only testing weapons of this planet, and do not see us reasonable form of life. now they apologize and ready to leave. but telling you, they have wage a thousand-year war with other aliens (reson for testing and the pre set for second game). both factions are equal in strength and can not win or lose.
So about mechanis, Walker mechs are what you piloting and fitingwith, equip all kinds of weapon and parts*. mosly FPS but with strategik parts, us summon cover and support units. game flow- faster then MWO, slower then gandams. you summon metal from earth and us it for cover suport units regen hp, enemys to. HP of mech dividedly between torso and arms and legs.weapon placment in uper part and can be damaged or destroid. different chassis with different features. it is two different games, bouth is shooters, but they are taktical shooters.
if some one will use it as base for game, please notify me, i can help.

brilliant! That's sick! Nice variety if animations. I like the different walks for up and down and the different hurt anims. Nice.
@ZomBCool Thanks! :)
I already liked the original alien soldier a lot, but this sprite sheet is great.
I like the "electric shock" sprites in particular.
FYI "Art Challenge" tag =\= "Challenge" tag
I have updated the tags, thank you @medicinestorm for letting me know.:)