RPG Maker-y Monster Sprites!
Saturday, September 7, 2019 - 22:53
Art Type:
So, I made a bunch of these JRPG battle-y sprites, and now I'm giving them to you! I am unsure how well these sprites work with the tiling systems of some platforms, given I only optimized the later ones for the 16x16 tiling of RPGMaker, but I hope it still works, and I hope y'all dig 'em!
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
I just require attribution, but if you want, you can always link people to my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/titleknown

Since the style looks a bit inconsistent, I have to ask whether you've really drawn them all by yourself. The second last one looks like being based on a photo or something.
Reading RPGMaker always rises suspicion, sorry.
The guy with the sword is definitely from this book: https://archive.org/stream/dorothywizardino00baum2?ref=ol#page/50/mode/2up
And that's fine, since it's public domain since 2013, but you have to tell your sources if you based your work on someone else's.
They are probably colored black-white drawings. Hopefully the rest is also based on public domain sources like this one: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:V%C3%ADbria.png
Oh! My apologies folks, indeed, a large chunk of them are taken from edited public domain art, usually pics from Wikimedia that have been extremely heavily edited, the ones in the more "gummy" style however were all mine.
Unfortunately, I've forgotten a significant amount of the PD sources, but I will say I wholly remember they were all PD, as I've always been very careful to work with only PD stuff in my shoop-work. How would I add a note that "A lot of these are derived from photomaniupulation-based kitbashing, but all sources are public domain"?
I will say I do remember, the four vertically-oriented ones on the lower left are from the Oz books, Jack Pumpkinhead; Tik-Tok; the Wogglebug and the Wizard respectively, some of which were colored by hand, the four next to them are all taken from old-timey sheet music covers, I remember that much. The lobster thing was kitbashed from a lobster and an Andrewsarchus, and the one below it was made from an image of a Foo Dog statue.
The one on the very lower-right was made from Robby in the Forbidden Planet poster (Which is PD thanks to a technicality), The purple multi-armed creature was kitbashed from a cover of a John Carter of Mars novel featuring one of the Green Martians, and those few below it I remember are from various old paintings of demons.
So, what do I do if I don't remember the direct sources, but do remember all the edited ones were definitely public domain (As in, using the CC0 license or having lapsed due to age or copyright screwups, I know the very specific meaning of that)
The pumpkin guy is from the same book, yes.
The links are for checking that it's all right.
I don't know enough about public domain, I don't know how safe it is to use.
I don't know if it only must be public domain in the jurisdiction of to the author of the original derivate or if it also must be public domain in the jurisdiction of everybody who wants to use it.
So I don't know how important it is to know when the last author died.
And the book I linked is a good example for different terms of protection:
Released in 1908.
This is definitely public domain in the US since 1984 (publication date + 75 years if it was renewed)
John Rea Neill (the illustrator) died 13th September 1943.
In Germany it's public domain since 2014 (death of last author + 70 years) thanks to a copyright law reform in 1965, which applied to all works which authors weren't already dead for 70 years.