SuperTuxKart 0.9 is released (featuring Sara, OGA's mascot)
Hi everyone
SuperTuxKart is an Open Source / Free Software go kart racing game featuring Tux and other open source software mascot. Today we are proud to announce we have released the new version 0.9, featuring our new rendering engine called Antarctica. Here is the poster
Pictures weren't enough to show the progress done. So our lead artist Samuncle did a trailer to present the new version
We wanted to say thanks to OpenGameArt. Some textures/3D objects used in the game come from the OGA art repository. It's very difficult to find art allowed in open source projects. Website like CGtextures explicitly bans in their termes and conditions open source usage.
Special bonus for open game art
The game feature Sara as one of the playable character. She is avaliable in 2 version.
Sara the wizard with a snowmobile
Sara the racer with the modern jet engine powered bike.
She has also an airport called Princess Sara Transcontinental Airport
If you want you can read the full article on our blog.
Have a nice race and thanks to OpenGameArt to provide artwork for open source game
STK team