Some thoughts on the code
Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 13:41
I found FLARE today, and have so far been enjoying it greatly. I took a look at the code (wasn't sure how to change keybindings). In general, I think the code is good (I have little experience with SDL, to be honest), but I'd thought I'd mention the following things:
- GameState is used polymorphically, but it does not contain a virtual destructor. In particular, GameSwitcher deletes currentState, which is a GameState* and sometimes points to derived classes. This is, if I am not mistaken, undefined behaviour.
- Classes are written in accordance with RAII and delete the pointers they own; however, why not take things a step further and make them scoped_ptrs, unique_ptrs or shared_ptrs as appropriate? Pointers that need to have SDL_Free called on them can be wrapped similarly -- this is how Wesnoth handles the situtaion (
- Several headers have `using namespace std;'. While this isn't an issue if the code is only used internally by the project, this means that anyone including those headers also has the entire std namespace imported, which may not be appreciated.
- A number of places seem to need eight directions, and are written as case statements: this is fine, but a global array of (-1, 1) through (0, 1) would make more sense to me.
I also noticed that the Linux tarball seems to contain a bunch of hidden files (probably created by some backup utility?). Apologies if this sounds overly negative, I do love the game and am looking forward to future version. -jesyspa
Should I just create a virtual destructor in GameState? I'm a bit rusty on that stuff. I'll get in there and fix that.
I haven't used those types of pointers before. I don't mind doing that kind of careful preventative coding, but I'll probably put that off until Beta after the feature freeze is in place.
Same situation with the std namespace, at some point I'll go and clean up that code but it might not be until Beta. Thanks for the reminder, I'll definitely create a ticket for this.
I like your direction array idea, I'll ponder it. I might only hesitate to consider 16 directions, which I think Diablo 2 used to great effect.
Hm, I might have made a mess of the tarball if I created it on my OSX machine. OSX likes to put .DS_Store files everywhere; were those the files you see?
Thanks for the tips. One thing I love about working in Open Source is that people with different expertises are happy to help.
Yes, you need to define a virtual destructor.
I might clone the repository and change some of the things I mentioned (as well as add unit tests) if I have time. In case I do that, are there any limitations on what libraries should be used (in particular: is boost okay?)? Also, is C++11 fine, or would you prefer to stick to C++03?
Yep, there are some .DS_Store files, although they aren't the only ones (but they're AppleDouble encoded Macintosh files according to file, so I'm guessing that it is indeed that).
No boost please. I have intentionally kept the dependencies on this project minimal.
(edit) Oh, I see you're using boost for unit testing. If it's possible to keep that separate, so that people simply building the game don't need boost, that's fine.
I'd stick with C++03. I can't actually compile C++11 in my primary dev environment (old macbook with XCode 3) without changing to a new IDE or maybe buying upgrades.
The current tests being in boost doesn't mean it has to stay that way -- I've had good experience with GoogleTest (, and could convert them over fairly easily. I find it mildly surprising that boost doesn't count as minimal, but it should be fine (yay for shared_ptr writing exercise. ;) ). Either way, it should be possible to not have anything except the unit tests depend on it.
I haven't yet fixed the makefile to allow compiling only the executable, will probably make a pull request once I get that.
In regards to the tarball, you could use the "--ignore .*" option to prevent hidden files from being included.