Small Resize + Add On Request
I'm making a game using a number of assets from here. It's a dungeon crawler that gets darker and the environment gets harsher the farther you go down. So I came across this tile set which I'm using:
I looked for some npcs of the same size and I noticed the artist did this set:
I thought, oh this'll be easy. Just plug these into the game and it'll be fine!
Nope. The character sprites in the 'unfinished dungeon tileset' are a bit larger than the knights in the 'a blocky dungeon' tileset. I thought they were though. I was able to resize the hooded characters and remove the eyes without much fuss but not so much when it came to the dwarf(?). I spent a few hours on it trying to get it right, Then my laptop crashed and it was a good thing it did cause that work was lost.
So. If anyone wouldn't mind, I would appreciate it if someone would:
Resize the hooded characters (at least 1) and the knights (at least 1) and the dwarf character please?
As for the add on. I would appreciate it if someone gave the knights and hooded characters actual heads at that size please?
A stretch: A child npc at this size too please?
I did 1 hooded character myself but it doesn't look quite right due to the perspective.
Thank you for taking the time to read! And thank you for taking on this request if you do!