Show favourites to friends
This is a suggestion of a feature I would like to see on this website (But I can't implement it myself).
It would be great to be able to get a link that one can send to friends and when they open the link, they see ones favourites.
For example, I favourite all stuff that I might use in our game, or that has some good reusable ideas. Now I am the only one that can see those favourites, but I'd like to show them to my artist. The only way I can do it right now is either give him my login (this is OK for just one person, but I won't post it in our forums for example) or copy the list of links by hand, that is quite tedious. The ideal would be a link (like or something like that) that I can post in our forum and other people can take a look at it.
Ideally, I imagine the page they see when they open that link would look just like the pages when one browses art right now: links with previews.
I hope you understand me and you see the use of such a feature!