"Search" notice and misbehavior
I would like to report some problems with the site search.
1. Any search gives me an error notice
Any search that I start using the top right search field on the main page leads me to results but also throws an error 'notice' (the icon indicates an error):
Notice: Undefined index: inrelation_entity_collector_views_post_execute() (line 257 of/var/www/sites/opengameart/sites/all/modules/relation/relation_entity_collector/relation_entity_collector.module).
Example: http://opengameart.org/art-search?keys=sara
2. On /art-search/, only one of the two search fields works, incorrectly
When I start a search from for example http://opengameart.org/art-search?keys=sara , using the top right search for "foo", by pressing "search", the "loading" icon will appear and disappear but there will be no page loading and the search result content will not change. Same if I use ENTER/RETURN key.
If I use the (advanced?) search filed from for example http://opengameart.org/art-search-advanced?keys=sara&field_art_tags_tid_op=and&field_art_tags_tid=&name=&sort_by=created&sort_order=DESC&Collection= below the small top search, then pressing ENTER/RETURN key in the search field or pressing SEARCH button will make the "sara" search content results reload via javascript EVEN IF I enter something different in this search field.
on http://opengameart.org/art-search-advanced?keys=horse I cannot use the big search
on http://opengameart.org/art-search?keys=horse I cannot use the small (navbar) search
Tested on Chromium/Linux, logged in as qubodup and anonymous (in incognito mode).
Not seeing the first error, but the second one happens for me as well (FireFox 10.0.2 on Ubuntu 10.04); seems like the forms don't like to submit if I'm already browsing the page that their action attribute points to.
My project: Bits & Bots
I disabled the offending module, which wasn't being used for anything anyway (also disabled another module I wasn't using). Hopefully that'll clear up the error.
1. Solved
2. Still present