Retain in the Membrane part 2
Sunday, January 13, 2013 - 11:00
Retain in Membrane. Search: 'Retain' in appstore.
Yeah this one is getting wings. 44 countries. Over 1,000 downloads with no advertising (didn't even tell my family)
Here are some screen shots. If people could send grant me a five-star review that would be great.
Unfortunately, the iPad link is broken to the rating screen... (Apple's fault) I have an expedited review to fix it. At least they were nice enough to grant me that.
Here are some screen shots.
Remaining screen shots
screenShot2-iphone.png 241.3 Kb [42 download(s)]
screenShot3-iphone.png 216.8 Kb [47 download(s)]
screenShot4-iphone.png 244.3 Kb [124 download(s)]
screenShot5-iphone.png 453.2 Kb [25 download(s)]