Requesting two realistic illustrations for a short (freeware) game
I'm looking for someone to do two realistic illustrations for a short freeware game titled "Thanatophobia".
The game has mature themes. It deals with death anxiety and drug addiction.
It's a text parser game where you chat with a person suffering from mental illness and try to solve her problem. The game is actually a chatbot and a game at the same time. Seemingly open-ended but there is a winning condition.
The game will be freeware and (hopefully) playable on the web.
It's most of the way complete. Took me two weeks to write and possibly I'll have it online and playable in one more week.
Although the game is text-based, I would like to have two pieces of color art displayed. I'm looking for a dark and realistic style of illustration. If you feel like doing extra art beyond these two pieces that would be awesome, but I won't push my luck.
Illustration 1:
The first illustration should be a first-person view down a long endless hallway. The floor is checkered like a black & white chess board. The walls can be featureless. This hallway is later revealed to be a hospital corridor, but that shouldn't be too obvious at first.
Standing in the the hallway in the distance is a lone hooded figure in black. Something grim reaperish will work here, or perhaps something like the purple-robed Los Illluminati enemies in Resident Evil 4. The figure is holding nothing, simply standing still, looking directly at the viewer. The hood covers all of the face except the mouth. The lips have a blueish tint. This figure represents death, BUT is later revealed to be the same young woman the story is about, so s(he) can't be too big nor tall nor masculine.
Illustration 2:
You have more freedom on this one :) I would like a portrait of a young modestly attractive woman from about the shoulders up to display upon game completion--the young women whose mental illness you helped solve. Her hair is semi-short or shoulder length (or something else if you think it would be better). What she's wearing doesn't matter so much; a black t-shirt will do, but most of it isn't visible anyway. She's neither smiling nor frowning. Her facial features are otherwise up to you.
If you'd like to do a 3rd illustration that I can use as advertising/concept art I would leave that entirely up to you.
This is for a free game and I can't pay for your work, but it would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for reading.
-Hey flowerthief00, try with that guy toukairin
..he has been here recently, 6 hours ago..
^Thanks for the tip. That's not really the kind of style I want though.
It's all right. I guess I'll touch up some real-life photos to use as art and be done with.
I'm not an artist at all but maybe you could use an artificially generated image through text prompting. I was trying to make what you wanted. However didn't feel they were good enough so I deleted them. You could possibly try out Midjourney which makes high quality art and with a spooky factor to it most often. I was using Artbreeder Collage since you can upload an image and the AI will run with the shape types. I can try with Midjourney even for you if you would like.
I mean you should probably either try it out yourself or let me possibly considering you might just use real life photos editted.
Woah intriguing find, Joshagibby! I did NOT know about Midjourney, even though AI is one of my interests. Looking at what it can do, I'm actually kind of interested in using it for a different project! Thanks! Trying it in the discord though results in "the application did not respond". I hope it will be usable later.
It works now! That is an AWESOME app! It was worth posting here just to have someone tell me of its existence.
Yeahhhh. That's what I'm talking about.