problem with skill upgrade icon
hi, my problem is that I do not know how to "move" the skill upgrade icon (the + that you see to the right of the skill icon)
I do not know which file is used to change the size and position
hi, my problem is that I do not know how to "move" the skill upgrade icon (the + that you see to the right of the skill icon)
I do not know which file is used to change the size and position
Hey, what program are you using for this? Do you know the language? (Python, html, java, c, lua etc) is it an actual image file? We need a bit more info dude ): If it is inside a .png file you have to edit the file an a image editor.
lol, I know absolutely nothing about programming languages
I only know that I have to modify some flare files to move that "red" square, but I do not know what the file is in question O.o
the /menus/powers.txt file only makes me modify the whole menu, while the /powers/powers.txt file just adds me the skills
unfortunately I do not know anything else XD
I can modify the images, I know, but I can not "move" them without modifying any files
my idea was to place it over the image of the skill and make the current red icon an "invisible" image, so as to recover space and make everything aesthetically better ... but I do not know which file I have to edit to do it, before editing the image file of icon
The upgrade button is hardcoded to be to be to the right of each power icon. There is currently no way to move it through mod files.
Placing the button on top of the power icon would likely cause a problem with dragging and dropping powers.
then I suggest putting the red square at the bottom right, "inside" the icon of skills ... it would be aesthetically better and, modifying the image file can only appear when there are skill points that can be spent in that skill ... and there would be no problems with dragging and dropping powers ^^